Driven by minds that personify experience, expertise and experimentation,
these wizards of Kalopsia can shape even the faintest of your thoughts into a stunning sight.
Say hello to the maestros of Kalopsia.

Saurin Shah
An expert wallpaper creator and curator always venturing into
newer domains of innovations and creative solutions, to refined masterpieces that are way ahead of their times.
Bringing the magic of technology and printing to create a beautiful combination for the world.
He has an impeccable understanding of the world of printing.
Viral Shah
An expert wallpaper creator and curator always venturing into
newer domains of innovations and creative solutions, to refined masterpieces that are way ahead of their times.
Bringing the magic of technology and printing to create a beautiful combination for the world.
He has an impeccable understanding of the world of printing.

Vipul Salvi

A contemporary artist who inhales life and exhales creative ideas at times as paintings, at other times as artistic installations but always as path-breaking artistic concepts.
He has a firm understanding of all creative disciplines, new-age digital technologies, and platforms.
Having worked across rural and urban demographics.
His strength includes strong visual storytelling and delivering compelling concepts.
Sonal Iyer
An expert whose expression is defined in the very foundations of living spaces.
A designer with firm knowledge and passion to create something and add value.
A multi-lingual people’s person who understands the needs and wants of her consumers. Well suited with the right interior advice for you.

Dr. Vijiya Pathak

An expert wallpaper creator and curator always venturing into
newer domains of innovations and creative solutions, to refined masterpieces
that are way ahead of their times.
Bringing the magic of technology and
printing to create a beautiful combination for the world.
She has an impeccable understanding of the world of printing.